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A Couple of PDF Forms/Icon Images Displayed on Computer Laptop Screen

The One and Only 15-second Digital Lien Waiver

The story behind what spawned the creation of EasyPDF™ Lien Waiver actually occurred quite by accident given I was curious to know the exact amount of time taken by my daughter, who at the time was employed by a flooring company, to find a lien waiver online, complete, sign, and do whatever else needed to be done including time taken to hand deliver, mail, fax, or submit a mechanics lien waiver in an email file attachment—as to whether my daughter printed a hard copy to complete a handwritten lien waiver or was able to download before or upon completing a lien waiver online remains unknown and unimportant. According to my daughter, the total estimated time spent including drive time was approximately 28 minutes. While I surmised 30 minutes to an hour, right or wrong it eventually became clear it really didn't matter. Based on my knowledge of lien waivers and PDF digital forms technology, I then proceeded to create a generic lien waiver in PDF digital format able to be filled in and completed on a PC in about 3 minutes using the Free Adobe Reader. Needless to say, the end result was something I least expected and far beyond what I had thought possible being able to complete, apply a digital signature, and submit a digital lien waiver in an email file attachment in just 3-minutes. Better yet, I was able to edit and submit a subsequent lien waiver for the same project using the digital lien waiver I had recently finished minutes before in just 15 seconds flat. BTW, for those reading, THIS ISN'T A TYPO ERROR. Point is, you can search the internet until your heart's content and YOU WILL BE VIRTUALLY UNABLE to find a digital lien waiver that compares to EasyPDF™ lien waiver not to mention it's absolutely Free to use for those that have a Windows 10/11 desktop/laptop or compatible Apple computer capable of running the Free Adobe Reader version 2015 or higher.