Digital Forms Designed to Reduce Redundancy, Enhance Efficiency, and Improve Productivity in the Workplace
Given the technology available today to create and convert paper to digital forms, I am deeply dismayed by the amount of redundancy that continues to exist in using
digital forms to save time and money in the workplace. When you consider the inherent redundancy characteristic of paper forms of old, I don't quite fully understand
why no one has bothered to focus on reducing/eliminating the need to enter/type a name, address, phone number, SSN, or other typewritten data into a form field more
than once when it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to do so given the digital technology available today where one can easily reduce if not eliminate the need to
enter duplicate typewritten data into more than one form field without having to use a keyboard. As to whether this scenario also applies to mobile apps remains to be
determined as the remainder of this blog post pertains to PDF digital forms technology using a desktop/laptop computer.
In short, suffice it to say that an interactive PDF form designed/developed in Adobe Acrobat Pro not only provides tools designed to eliminate redundancy when creating
an interactive PDF form but can also provide never-before-seen form features to expedite completion of a digital form in record time using the Free Adobe Reader as
opposed to having to purchase and learn how to use expensive software like MS Office. This noted, many reading this will no doubt question the mere existence of such a
digital form especially if they have yet to see or use one as described above. Fact is, such a form does exist. Sadly, most remain unaware. However, 'Talk is Cheap'
especially when one considers the proliferation of deceptive advertising, misinformation, and scams presently on the internet in which event the author would prefer
those reading this to judge for themselves once they have had an opportunity to peruse our website without having to spend a dime, purchase anything up front, place a
credit card on hold, or take part in any other deceptive advertising gimmick intended to get you to part with your money for a product/service that fails to deliver.
To learn more about EasyPDF™ digital forms Click here