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PDF Forms are not dead but alive, well, and on-the-rise

Being a dedicated and passionate PDF digital forms technology solutions provider for over the past 30 years, it never ceases to amaze me regarding those who have everything to gain by constantly bashing PDF forms stating they are dead. Moreover, those who continue to preach this nonsense in an effort to convince others PDF forms are virtually useless and no longer in demand are normally the same individuals promoting HTML web forms, WordPress—a GUI program application intended for those looking to create websites without having to write a line of code—as well as attempting to convince young and old alike that mobile phones and the Cloud are the be-all end-all soon to replace desktop/laptop computers, all a bunch of hogwash! The fact remains, if one were to take some time performing their due diligence browsing the internet, they would soon learn there exists a plethora of both static (fixed) and dynamic (fillable interactive) PDF digital forms on the web not to mention numerous online PDF Creator and Reader program applications available in competition with Abobe Acrobat Pro/Reader in which event I can assure those reading this the demand is very real and not a figment of the imagination. As to the number of PDF forms available online, they're associated with just about any profession, industry, or organization one can think of including but not limited to Federal and State government tax forms, insurance and job application forms, insurance claim forms, building contractor/construction forms, mechanic lien waiver forms, data processing and storage forms, eBooks and more too numerous to list. In reality, this is just the tip of the iceberg since we would be remiss if we failed to include PDF form conversions created using MS Word, Excel, and other formats individuals and small to large businesses alike have converted to PDF. In fact, one simply needs to take a look at software program applications like Ms Word including the entire suite and again I believe anyone reading this would be hard pressed to find a software application included in the bundle that doesn't contain an export to PDF feature option. All told, I really don't believe there is anything left to prove beyond a doubt that PDF forms are not dead but alive and well and here to remain for years to come.